Friday, May 3, 2013

Just a Number

Its for all my pretty ladies who are in the age group 24-30 and are being tortured, forced, cajoled & persuaded to get married soon.

So here I am, excited to turn twenty five
To start an exciting chapter in my life
A quarter century is all I have seen
Not an achievement to my name; No where I have been

This is when I think I better move forward
Little devils inside me remind me I am a coward
People around me are making wedding plans
Making themselves busy, to find a suitable man

For me it’s a beginning, a brand new phase
Time to wander, to explore a new place
Little do I know there is panic all around
The suitable boy is yet to be found

I am asked to get serious about marital bliss
My callous attitude can leave my life amiss
“You’ll soon be an old woman” I am constantly warned
Lonely, miserable and totally scorned

I sit quietly on my desk, tallying balance sheets
Trying to look cam, staying away from the heat
A daughter they have nurtured for a long time
Is suddenly heartless who doesn’t care a dime

All her grades in school, her hard work at work
Her love for the family, her laughter, her perk
All this cant count for family’s esteem
She has to abide by the pre decided scheme

Her own aspirations, her unfulfilled dreams
Her love for chocolate, her affairs with ice cream
All of this and much more
Needs to be stopped shown the exit door

We talk about minds being free of judgment
Yet no one understands girl’s predicament
Age is not just a number, it just never was
We may have landed on the moon, yet clenched by laws
With each passing day my clock is ticking
I need to get serious, have to get kicking
Daddy’s little girl is forced to grow up fast
She finally succumbs to the pressure at last……

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Simply Pune

14th June 2008 – My first day in Pune and I vividly remember I hated it completely. Well not because I am a cynic but just because everything here compelled me to draw instant comparisons with Delhi.
Ideally I should have really liked Pune , considering it’s my birth city and also that my most amazing kindergarten days were spent here but I guess my fondness for Delhi was just too strong to even have an iota of liking for pune.

But I guess all things in life are pretty momentary and one doesn’t even realize the importance of something until its time to forgo that and move on. After having spent 2 wonderful years at Pune my heart aches to even think of moving out from here. Everything about pune seems so nice today, be it young crowd everywhere or the small eating joints at every nook and corner.

As prudence tells me that its time to bid adieu to Pune, my heart tells me stop here forever in the chirpy streets and the lively roads. This is one city which is quiet yet jovial, dull yet serene and slow yet fast paced.
It hits you slow but when it does it totally immerses you in itself.
From F.C road to koregaon park to M.G road , each place here is special because each one of them has given me beautiful memories which will be cherished for a long time.
Besides all of this I guess SIMS added another dimension to my fondness because its place where anyone can feel at home , and I surely did.

Its hard to believe I am here for a few days only , but no matter what I am gonna keep coming back, coz if Delhi is home Pune is home away from home 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lessons Learned At Sims( Personal Experience) :P

2 Years at Sims have been the most eventful years of my seems as if i have seen it all and as if i am ready to take on anything in life on....nothing could have been better than this...nothing could have been worse
The Lessons learned are:

1. Always Expect the unexpected ( Read time tables, assignments and obviously grades)

2. You are your own Best Friend ( Very self explanatory)

3. Impossible is nothing( Falling in love, rising in love :P)

4. Do it, but don't get caught( bunk, cheat,bitch etc)

5. The best time to start a new assignment is 'tomorrow'(Which obviously never comes)

6. When your ass is on fire, your efficiency is higher(Doing an entire semester's syllabus in one night)

7. Your first friends are never your last friends.

8. Its never too late to move on in life

9. Savor every bit of your MBA coz after this you may never get this amazing time unless you decide to quit working and raise children

10. Grades don't matter, Grey matter does.

11. You needn't be wise, just be smart.

This is just a snapshot of a lot of big and small things that i learned at this wonderful place which has given me some amazing memories as well as good lessons about life.

Height of Vellapanti, i swear...sigh !!!!!

Last three days i have been getting utterly irritated with the numerous text messages and emails wishing me a happy hug day, chocolate day and god knows what not.
It just disgusts me that now we all need days to give hugs to people we care for, make promises to our loved ones on a specific day or to gift chocolates as a token of love.
I wouldn't be surprised if we will soon hear of a day that will celebrate break ups between couples. But more than than this what's worse is the fact these days have become more like publicity gimmicks rather than having any emotional appeal attached to it. I mean why do we need a day to go and apologize to people??
It's not as if we don't do that on that particular day the apology will hold no value. Moreover i would love to know the brain behind all this who has conspicuously thought of all these days to add spice in people's life.
The biggest disappointment behind all this are the people who form unions to curb all these celebrations.Why on Earth are they concerned whether someone is hugging someone else, why do they bother if couples believe in expressing their love publicly on a particular day??
They have no right or authority to threaten people if they choose to celebrate something they believe in.
It's shameful that so many of us indulge ourselves either in encouraging all these totally 'velli' activities but worse are those who on the name moral policing go around brandishing anything and everything that they feel doesn't gel with their ideology.
We are a nation of more than a billion people and their are huge number of issues which need to be addressed and getting engaged in such petty skirmishes just depict our mental blocks and that how stuck up we all are
Seriously, for once lets just Grow up.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon, I have just woken up. Its about o’clock and for me the day has just begun. I reach for the newspaper, quickly skim through the political & financial sections and reach out for my favorite section the editorial. After about spending an hour and a half with the newspaper I decide to go out for a stroll. The best part about a sunny winter afternoon is the warmth that one feels from within which is actually because of the sunrays penetrating deep through the layers of clothing that one has draped.

As I am walking aimlessly on the side walk engrossed in my thoughts , cribbing to myself about numerous petty issues in my life ranging from marks to weight gain my eyes suddenly fall on two naïve kids playing in the mud. They are throwing fistfuls of mud on each other, their clothes are totally soiled, but all that what matters to them is the fun they are having doing so.

The less I want to stop there and watch them play, the more I end up doing so. I don’t know what really intrigues me in them but it sure is special because they make me forget about every minute tension that I have.

I also see that the kids are under nourished, their faces displaying signs of abject poverty and deprivation. Iam also sanguine that they attend no school and maybe they never will.
They have no idea also whether they will be able to have two square meals the next day.
Yet they lie there playing like there’s no tomorrow, like life’s going to make everything fine for them. Their pure naivety charms me completely charms me . For a moment I forget all my small issues and I immerse myself completely in their innocence .

With a smile on my face I walk back towards college feeling enlightened by a simple lesson two tots taught me. I feel much lighter, I hop my way back to my room, I yearn to be a child again.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Way to go Jean Dreze

Jean Dreze winning the Economic Times Award for ' Policy Change Agent of the year' has been one of the best pieces of news recently.
Jean Dreze is one man all economics students in India really admire and look up to. His contribution to National Rural Employee Guarantee Scheme has been more than phenomenal. He has truly shown that working at grass roots level has a much wider impact than sitting in a plush office and making huge plans which eventually never get implemented.
I am not writing this to give him free publicity but i have to mention how incredible has been his contribution to India. A Belgian by birth he has been in India for a very long time now.
He lives in small hut in New Delhi ,leads a very simple life with his wife Bela sehghal. His knowledge of economics could has easily got him a seven figure salary and an extremely luxurious lifestyle. But he chose the emancipation of the unemployed Indians in the villages as his mission.
I am sanguine that he wouldn't have anticipated this honor and probably wasn't even present at the event to collect his award. Even if he were there he would have felt left out in the gathering that just boasted of designer suits, cars and expensive watches. A gathering which had capitalists and profit- obsessed head honchos would have demeaned his simple attire and great thinking.
I guess its best for him to be there where he actually belongs - at the helm of affairs where he works and produces results for the common man of India and not for the ever hungry & greedy corporates.
Cheers to him !!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A woman's story

The first time she cried, and filled the house with cheer
The first time she spoke in broken words for everyone to hear
the first time she won a prize at school to make her parents proud
'My daughter is my sunshine' exclaimed the father aloud

The first time she cooked half burnt vegetable curry
Her mother quickly retorted' its delicious my angel, dont worry'
Quietly she grew from a little doll to a woman sublime
Her parents started matchmaking coz they thought it was the perfect time

As her wedding bells rang, many sleepless nights were spent
The proceedings had to immaculate so that the daughter was graciously sent
As she became the wife, the lady of the house
She became totally devoted to the whims of her spouse

Eventually with motherhood she grew more kind
Her career took a backseat, as family was on her mind
From a darling daughter to a doting wife
To a caring mother and a granny alike
She exchanged many roles, played many parts
Her zest for life couldnt be surpassed

Today she lies on her deathbed, ceasing to live on
She will breathe her last in peace, for she knows her daughter will carry the legacy on.